Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Question Of The Day...

Question of the day is, "How come I feel like writing when I'm in a moment of peaceful teaching with my children, but when I have enough time to, I have writer's block?


  1. It's a season I'm going through too...

    It is a time to wait patiently on the Lord.

    Well, *hopefully* we wait patiently... ;-) Sometimes here, it isn't quite as patiently as it should be-- and I end up backtracking back to where the Lord placed me to begin with.

    Yet, how blessed we are to be waiting on the Awesome and Almighty Creator of the universe!

    Sending (((hugs))) and love in our dear Savior Jesus,


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. First of all, dear one, I'd like to welcome you to my blog site "Breathe"...I'm blessed that you visited and then chose to follow...I do not blog there as much because I have joined the Ning network and it keeps me before the Lord...I wasn't very willing at first...but that's nothing new for me...thank you to for your heart felt prayer for me.

    Now about your question... "How come I feel like writing when I'm in a moment of peaceful teaching with my children, but when I have enough time to, I have writer's block?

    This is not, "thus saith the Lord"...just my own thoughts...

    You say you are peaceful when teaching your children...that's because Love is at rest...peace, when it is doing what it does best...LOVE. It is the Living Word at work in a natural, and spiritual sence, being read by your children...It is the first and most important writing you will ever do...This Living Word in you is the Word that will bring your precious ones to the Truth in faith and confidence as they grow older and must find their way before God know Him personally...and in response to what you are speaking into their hearts now by your life in faith...

    When you sit down to write and feel must come (as I myself) to the understanding of what we call "blocked" means...some use the word inspired, that can envolve the inspiration of our own thinking, logic, emotions...and there's nothing initially wrong with that...many very succesful writers are "inspired". When they lose their inspiration, for what ever the reason my be, they feel blocked.
    There's a little bit different take on a Christian writer, who has a genuine relationship with the Lord. And I'm coming to find, that when I feel's only the Holy Spirit's way of letting me know that I must wait for the "Annointing presence of the Spirit Word, that brings Life. It is the same Living Word that speaks through your writing...and it comes from an expectant and anticipated waiting...knowing that when you have come to that empty feeling (blocked) He will fill your heart and mind with His Word.
    I've rattled on...but precious one...what ever the answer...The Lord takes joy in your desire to be used of serve him in the capacity that he gives you as you seek and wait upon him, surrendered to him speaking through your life, your personality, and his life in you, manifesting his great love...
    Thank you for letting me share...May he bless you with every blessing and gift that comes down from above...your new friend and so journer in the Lord.............shebet

  4. I just came across this - sorry I'm a little late! But wanted to add my "2 cents worth". It has been my experience that I hear the Lord most clearly when I'm doing things I enjoy doing - because I'm not "trying" so hard to hear Him, I'm just relaxed - and it's then that He gives me the most creative ideas!

    I faced the same dilemna on my "Country Dreams" blog - wanting to include several subjects, but feeling like I should just stick to one subject (in my case, life in the country.) But since Blogger recently added a new "gadget" on the Layout page that allows you up to 10 "Stand Alone" pages - my problem was solved! So now I have a "country lifestyle" page, and separated pages for recipes, crafting, photos, links, financial and organizational tips, and I love it! You might give that a try - hope that helps! Love your blog, by the way!

    Blessings - Pauline

  5. Thank you Pauline. Your advice is appreciated. I know I just love your blog! It inspires my hobby side & reminds me of the old craft shows I used to attend & buy from. (I can never have enough home made items) I just now saw that gadget. Blogger is a bit of an undertaking for me. I can't seem to locate some stuff I'm used to. Ooly tried helping me with a music player a couple of months ago so I made a playlist today on some site but don't know how that installs here. It's a learning process & I'm short on time but I'll figure it all out or call Ooly

    Love in Christ, FaithAlways
